Where available, please click on the individual group names to view the latest information.
Links to external websites are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Leasingham Village Hall of any of the products, services or opinions of the group, organisation or individual. Leasingham Village Hall bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
1st Leasingham Brownies - The group meet every Thursday evening (excluding School Holidays) from 17.45 to 19.45 in the Main Hall.
1st Leasingham Rainbow Unit - The group meet every Wednesday evening (excluding School Holidays) from 17.15 to 18.45 in the Main Hall.
Ballet Be Fit - Fitness Class. Normally meet in the Main Hall on Monday Afternoons between 15.30 & 16.30, but please check the hall Calendar to confirm any specific date you are interested in.
Car Boot/Table Top Sales - These are held at the hall normally on the 1st Sunday of the month from September to April inclusive each year.
For information or to book a pitch/table, please call Allan Woods on 07906 898277.
CentreStage - Meets in the Main Hall on Mondays from 16.15 to 17.00.
Chantilly Stitchers - Meet in the Jessop Room on the 2nd Friday of each month.
Desired Minds Hypnotherapy - Group relaxation and stress reliever evenings, with hypnotherapy to relieve stress and help with our mental and physical health. Learn techniques to deal with everyday challenges and to connect with others.
Classes held on 2nd Tuesday of the month from 19.30 to 20.30 in the Jessop Room
£10 per person pre-booking essential
For more information please call 07957 569519 or visit our Website: https://www.desiredminds.co.uk/
Karate Classes - Martial Arts training is one of the best activities for developing focus. Our team of professional instructors are experts in bringing out the best in our students and we've had hundreds of parents attribute their child's increased focus at school down to our Children's Martial Arts programmes. Classes run on Mondays:
Children's Classes held in the Main Hall - Juniors from 17.15 to 18.00 and Seniors 18.15- 19.00.
Adult Class held in the Jessop Room from 19.15 to 20.15
To find out more, or to reserve a space just call in at the hall immediately prior to a class, or visit www.freekarate.co.uk<http://www.freekarate.co.uk/>
Funky Monkeys - The group meet every Friday morning (excluding School Holidays/Bank Holidays) from 09.00 to 11.30 in the Main Hall.
Harts Fitness - Harts Fitness at Leasingham Village Hall on Thursday mornings.
10:30. Fitsteps. 'Strictly Come Dancing' inspired dance exercise class using steps and music from your favourite Ballroom and Latin dance styles. (1 hour)
No partner required. All ages welcome.
Leasingham & District Gardening Group - The Leasingham & District Gardening Group are a friendly group of people who enjoy meeting to share ideas, experiences and gain knowledge about all subjects related to gardens. New members are cordially welcomed.
We meet every first Thursday of the month from 19.30 to 21.30 in the Jessop Room at Leasingham Village Hall, unless otherwise stated on the programme.
Membership is by subscription of £20 per year; with an additional £2 per evening when there is a speaker; visitors are welcome with a charge of £3 per evening. The group supports the Leasingham Horticultural Show and plan visits/walks during the year.
For further details please contact: Pam Kyte on 01529 306427.
Leasingham Ladies - Leasingham Ladies Club meet at Leasingham Village Hall at 14.00 on the 4th Thursday of the month. We have a wide variety of speakers and trips out, and ladies of all ages are more than welcome to join us. Check the Hall Notice Board for more details.
Leasingham WI - Meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month except January and August 13.30 to 16.00 at the village hall. Visitors are always welcome at a cost of £4. We are a fun group of ladies enjoying interesting speakers and outings such as lunches, breakfasts and the cinema. The Club organizes events such as quiz nights.We welcome all ladies so why not come and join us. For more information contact Pam Kyte 01529 306427
Lincolnshire Association Of Woodturners - We meet in the main hall at 19.30 on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Visitors are very welcome. When you come please introduce yourself to our Chairman. Further information about the group and its activities are available on the groups own Website: www.lincsturners.co.uk
Lincolnshire Vocal Academy - The group meet every Monday evening from 19.30 to 21.30 in the Main Hall.
Little Beans Baby Classes - Classes to nurture, enrich and inspire throughout your baby's first 1001 days of life. Baby Massage, Baby Yoga, Multi Sensory Baby Development Classes. Classes run every Monday in the Main Hall between 09.30 13.15.
Contact: Debra Wheatley on 07736 848985, or for more info, visit the Little Beans Baby Classes Website: www.littlebeansbabyclasses.co.uk
Paul Howard Painting Class - The group meet every Tuesday morning from 09.45 to 12.15 in the Main Hall.
Pinwheel Quilters - Normally meet in the Jessop Room between 13.15 & 16.15 on the 1st Monday of each month.
Playing Field Development Committee - Bingo sessions on the first Sunday of every month from 19.00 to 20.30. All welcome.
Quilting Group - The group meet every Wednesday from 10.00 to 16.00 in the Jessop Room.
Sleaford Art Group - Meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 19.00 to 21.00 in the Jessop Room.
Sleaford Music for All - Meets in the Main Hall on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 14.30. We invite top line organist / keyboard players to give us a 2 hour concert with a break of 30 minutes for refreshments / raffle. The artists come from all over the UK and Holland. They play music to suit all tastes; classical, music from the shows, music from the 50s to the 70s. Many will also play requests. It is a fantastic afternoon. All are welcome. Tickets £10, refreshments included.
For more information contact either Chris & Jo Powell at
Sleaford Slimming World - Normally meets in the Main Hall every Saturday Morning, but occassionally owing to other bookings using the Main Hall, they use the Jessop Room.
St. Andrew's Parish Church Coffee Mornings - Usually meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 10.15 to 11.30. Everyone welcome.
Contact: Zena Anderson on 01529 302620.
Tai Chi (Wednesday) - The group meet every Wednesday morning from 10.00 to 12.00 in the Main Hall to practice Tai Chi.
U3A Meetings - Meet in the Main Hall on 4th Friday of the month from 13.15 to 15.45.
Whist & Solo Group - Whist players meet on the 1st & 3rd Fridays and 2nd & 4th Saturdays in the Jessop Room to play progressive whist starting at 2.00 pm.
On the 1st Wednesday of the month whist players meet in the Main Hall at 1.30 pm to play Solo Whist. All are welcome.
Yoga Class - A 3/4 weekly Sunday morning yoga class, check Village Hall Calendar to confirm dates/times.. all abilities welcome .. contact Julie on 07979 471413 or contact her on her business fb page Titanium Therapies.. Look forward to welcoming you all!